Saturday, November 7, 2009

May the God of peace...equip you...

20May the God of peace,
who through the blood of the eternal covenant
brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus,
that great Shepherd of the sheep,
equip you with everything good for doing his will,
and may he work in us what is pleasing to him,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.
Hebrews 13:20,21

I hope to write more about this verse in the future but for now, I will just say that God is working out something beautiful in my life and heart and I am willing to follow Him wherever He leads me. Sorry, time permits me to go into detail. I hope to post again soon. God bless you all! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Humility 101

"For who makes you different from anyone else?
What do you have that you did not receive?
And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?"
I Corinthians 4:7

Monday, August 24, 2009

So often forgotten

Last night, as I was pulling up to the driveway in my truck, I heard the lyrics of this song and continued to listen to it two more times as I pondered the reality of these words in my own life. Is my passion in life to know Christ? The line often gets blurred and I think for another moment it was a reality check. I get so excited thinking about the possibility of someday flying overseas helping others in need and telling them of the Good News of Jesus' love for them. I dream of telling them this Good News and God using my life to stir villages and scores of people to turn to Him. But do I dream of knowing Christ more? I mean if you ask me, "Do you want to know Christ more?" of course I would say "Yes," Who wouldn't? But is He my all-consuming passion, my obsession, as Steven Curtis Chapman says it?
Last night, in particular, I was struggling once again with the decision to join the Air National Guard. I really want to join but I struggle with not having my parents' blessing on the decision and the fact that it is a six-year commitment.
So, as I continued to dwell on this and search God for answers, it became obvious that He doesn't want me to worry about it. What He does want is for me to spend time with Him, draw closer to Him and let Him consume me. He should be my passion, the One I dream of. Oh, to know Him better! May that be the longing of my heart!

Above All Else
by Vicky Beeching

Jesus, my passion in life is to know You
May all other goals bow down to
This journey of loving You more
Jesus, You've showered Your goodness on me
Given Your gifts so freely
But there's one thing I'm longing for
Hear my heart's cry
And my prayer for this life

Above all else
Above all else
Above all else
Give me Yourself

Savior, the more that I see Your beauty
The more that I glimpse Your glory
My heart is captured by You
Jesus, You are my greatest treasure
Nothing this world can offer
Could ever compare to You
So, hear my heart's cry
And my prayer for this life

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enjoying my night off!

So, I gave my two-week notice to my employer on Monday. I was so happy as I walked out those front doors to go home that day. It was a real sense of relief. I can't explain how much I dislike this job. I am sure God has something else planned for me. For now, I just need to work out the rest of these days while I look for something else. Tonight, I am enjoying the evening off and looking at all my options for employment, flight education and location yet again. I am confident that God will direct my paths in His time. Trusting Him.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm not sure where the time goes...

It's here and then its gone. My vacation, that it. My two and a half weeks in Wisconsin were filled with memories that will last a lifetime. The first memory being the arrival of Emma Jane! She is adorable and a real gift from God. I am very thankful that she and my sister are healthy and will be going home from the hospital--with Ben--tomorrow. Ben's military leave was extended so we are all thankful to God that he could be a part of this special time.

In addition to Emma's arrival, my favorite moments were the times spent by the fire with my family, eating way too much ice cream and roasted marshmallows. Bowling was also fun as well as the horseback riding. Mostly, it was fun just being together. Overall, the trip was one of a lifetime and I enjoyed my time with my family very much. I pray that God brings us back together soon. I love them all!

My vacation to the Midwest was great but I will be honest, I am so confused right now. Where I am supposed to be and what to do. I recently got a new job cleaning airplanes. I really don't like the job but I feel like I should stay there for now until I get some of my debt paid off. I just don't know what to make of all of it. I am looking for another job now but I am not sure where to even search. I know what I want badly is to be flying on the mission field but the only way to get there is by having a decent job. I just am really tired of cleaning and that is exactly what this job is. I guess I would like something more managerial or administrative but I don't have a degree in those areas. This job is also pretty lonely and that doesn't help matters. I had such a good time with Ben and Jen and I began to wonder, with the birth of Emma, if I should try to find a job closer to Copperas Cove, TX where they will be living. I don't have anything tying me down outside of my job and obviously that knot isn't very tight. Wherever I am, I know two things, I need to have a job that pays well and that I also enjoy. Solomon in all his wisdom states in Ecclesiastes several times how important it is to enjoy your work. These verses have stuck out in my mind a lot in the past couple of years.

So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why we are here! No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die. (Eccl 3:22, NIV)

To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life – that is indeed a gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy.” (Eccl 5: 18, NIV)

I don't know what God has in store for me but I believe that it is possible to get a job that I enjoy and that can also get me where He wants me to be. I am trusting that God will ease my mind and show me exactly where it is that He wants me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blessings of God!

Well, as mentioned in my last post, I did end up taking a week off from flying. The intention was to clean the carpets at the church and hopefully make some money so I could continue flight training. I did not end up cleaning any carpets. I got caught up doing some other cleaning jobs at the church. So, needless to say, I didn't earn the extra cash I was hoping to. What I did receive though was $6,250 through the donations of God's people!!! Altogether, I have received $9,035 so far!!! I am extremely blessed and very thankful for God's provision! As people continue to give, I will be keeping any additional funds in a savings account to use toward my next steps in flight training. I presume that I will need at least $30,000 more dollars to finish the other certifications I need. That is a low number and it may end up being closer to $50,000. That is after the assistance I receive from the military.
Because I took that week and a half off from flying, I actually regressed a bit. It was actually very disappointing for me. It took me two days to get back in the swing of things. Because of that and some other formalities I was not able to practice take offs and landings on my own (solo). Hopefully, I will be able to get that accomplished this week. I was just reading some strangers' blog as he was writing about his first solo experience. I was getting so excited thinking about walking in his shoes...
Exciting! God is good!!! Thank you to all those who have given financially and through their prayers. My appreciation goes beyond words!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Short delay

Sorry it has been a while since I have updated. So much has happened since I last visited. I found out from MCCC (the local college here where I hope to enroll for my flight training after I join the military) that in order to be accepted into their program--whether or not they closed--I would need to have my private pilots' license before the Fall semester. So, I contacted my pastor to update him and he recommended that I bring my situation before the Deacon board and see if there would be any way that the church could help me. After unanimous support they decided they would let the congregation know that there is a missionary in training that needs some financial help and see how the Lord provides. To this date, I have received $2250 without any formal announcements being made. It is supposed to appear in the bulletin next week so hopefully people will want to join in on this endeavor. This really is a dream coming true before my eyes and a humbling experience, to be sure.
I started my flight training, as encouraged by the deacons, on May 5th. I have put in 24.8 hours so far and am working on landings right now. After I get those down, I will be able to solo! Exciting, right? :)
Another huge blessing is that the church hired my carpet cleaning company to clean the carpets throughout the church campus which will be a great boost to my income. Because of this, I will be taking the week off from flying with the exception of Wednesday. I am so grateful for the Lord's constant provision. He truly gives us more than we could ever think or imagine.
And, I almost forgot, MCCC made a final decision on the 14th of this month and have made me aware that they will remain open. They were bailed out by the NJ Dept. of Transportation and will be receiving some new airplanes as well. So, as you can imagine, that eases my mind a bit.
I guess that puts us up-to-date. I will try to be faithful about writing every week now that I have updated again. Thanks again for everyone's prayers. Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Missin' You

Tonight, I am confused. Trusting God has become an effort that needs to be recommitted often. I don't know how, but one day I will be fine and the next day will bring its own new challenges to the surface and without even realizing what has happened, I find myself trying to answer all the questions myself and have somehow tried to 'take control.' Really, deep down, I don't want the control. I would just make a HUGE mess out of everything, I know that! But my sin nature always has other ideas. So, here I am, recommited once more. Recommited to the plan God has for me and trying my best to abide in Him and His will for me. Still, I am confused but I think that is okay. Then I am certain He is control and I am not. That brings a smile to my face.

As the thoughts swirled around in my mind tonight, one thought just kept coming back. That thought was that I REALLY love Jesus and cannot wait until the day I am in heaven with Him. I will see Him face to face and worship Him forever! THAT, will be the BEST day of my life!

Here is a song that speaks to my heart often on these contemplative nights:

Missin' You
by Chris Rice
I heard about the day You went away
You said You had to go prepare a place
And even though I’ve never seen Your face
I’m missin’ You
I lie awake tonight and I watch the sky
And I wish it didn’t have to be so high
‘Cause I’m belonging on the other side
And I’m missin’ You

‘Cause somewhere behind those stars
Is Someone who belongs to me
And I know in my deepest heart
There’s a place for You until I find the place You made for me
But still I’m missin’ You

I dream about Your promise to return
And I wake up hangin’ on Your every word
But for now my feet are planted here on earth
So I’m missin’ You
And even while they say that I’m a fool
I know you see me waiting here for You
Oh, and prayin’ that somehow You’ll get here soon
‘Cause I’m missin’ You

‘Cause somewhere behind those stars
Is Someone who belongs to me
And I know in my deepest heart
There’s a place for You until I find the place You made for me
But still I’m missin’ You

How much longer will it be
Till I get to see you
Though I know you’re right here with me
Tell me when can I be there with you

‘Cause somewhere behind those stars
Is Someone who belongs to me
And I know in my deepest heart
There’s a place for You until I find the place You made for me
But still I’m missin’ You

Oh, I’m missin’ You
Lord, I’m missin’ You

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tough memories

This probably sounds like its a bad thing but it is not. I got to chat online with Hiromi today and it was such a blessing! It made me miss Japan so much though. I miss her and her family especially but I also miss the people there and the culture. I actually started crying when she mentioned that her mom said I should come back and visit. I told her that she had no idea how much I would love to do that. I still have a heart for Japan-- for the people there to know Christ and for the Christians to be encouraged. I just wonder what God is doing in my life. I am having a hard time being patient today but I KNOW He is working out His will in my life. I also know that His will for me is to be here in New Jersey. Specifically, His will is for me to clean the church today. His will for me in the future is no greater than His will for me today. I need to constantly be reminded of that.
In Sunday School a while back, the story of David and Goliath was presented to the children. I was struck with a truth that I had never seen before. Every day it was God's will that David be an ordinary shepherd. I am sure he didn't think he was anything special and probably wondered if He could ever be used by God. What he didn't know was that God was preparing him for the future. He faced and defeated a lion and a bear and someday he would defeat the GIANT Goliath and in what seemed like one moment, God had been glorified. I believe that God was glorified in every step of the process up to that point. Sometimes we need to just keep plugging away and trust God completely that He is working out His will in our lives and it is usually a lot different than we would like it or think it should be. Honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.
I love this blog! It gives me an opportunity to really preach to myself and keep a record of all these ways that God speaks to my heart.
Well, Hiromi and the Takahashi family, know that I love you and miss Japan very much. You are doing a great work there in the Lord. When I read Acts 14:21-28 this afternoon I thought of you, Mr Takahashi. Stay strong, all of you, and He will be there to guide and strengthen you.
Love you,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

lonely night

There is something about Sunday nights that gets to me. It's not every Sunday, but every now and then, it just feels so lonely. I think it is because everything leading up to the 'big event' on Sunday is jam packed and there is so much to get done. The joy of Sunday morning is so wonderful and it is very much the highlight of my week. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, the evening comes. The house is quiet and I am usually too tired to start a project so I feel like whatever I do will be a waste of my time. This Sunday is particularly sad because Megan left to go pack to PA. I had a buddy to spend time with for a whole 24 hours and then she left. So here I am. I think I am just going to pray and spend time with my Best Friend. He IS Comfort...

Friday, April 10, 2009

What a wonderful night!

Tonight was incredible! Chelsea and I sang "I Will Rise" for the Maundy service . It meant so much to me . It is such a powerful song! It also seemed to be a blessing to a lot of people which is what I was praying for. The pastor asked if we would be willing to sing it again on Sunday. :) Of course, we would LOVE to but they need to figure out how to work it into the already full service. I am also excited that the deacons were unanimously in support of assisting me financially to get my private pilots' license but the details have yet to be figured out . I am very excited that this looks like it may actually happen! One can only hope, dream, wait and see :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The New Wait Date...

Right now, I am waiting to hear back from MCCC. They have applied for a grant that will be an obvious positive toward the school staying open. They will find out about that on April 3rd. Even if they do receive that grant it is not definite, even at that point, that they will remain open. There are other details that need to be addressed as well. They will have a finalizing board meeting on April 23rd when they hope to come to a conclusive decision about the future of the school. So... I happily wait.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Seemingly Unfortunate

I was really looking forward to finding out today what the results of the MCCC board meeting were in regards to the flight program there and whether or not it would continue. They had their meeting last night but unfortunately I will not be able to find out the results until Monday since it is Spring Break.
Ah...patience...its a beautiful thing when you have it... but not when you lose it.
I say "seemingly unfortunate" because I know it seems unfortunate to me because I am so anxious to know all the answers now but God knows what is best and I need to keep trusting Him. That didn't come easily to me today. Here are the verses that encouraged me;
Psalm 27:13, 14
"I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD ;
be strong and take heart and

wait for the LORD."
I know whatever the outcome is, it will be for God's glory and I will see His goodness in it all. Verse one of this chapter also helped to remind me what my goal truly should be:
"One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple."

I could go on and on. This chapter is great and it was especially wonderful for me today.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

steps forward...

I will find out on March 20th whether or not MCCC's flight program will be closing or not. Assuming that all will be well and they will remain open, I have set my swear-in date with the ANG as April 3rd. I am happy to have progressed this far but you could say that I am anxious for next Friday to get here. It will be more exciting when the decision is final!!! Trying to be patient in my waiting.
My biggest struggle right now is giving God 100%. I am so anxious to go that the responsibilities at hand are not receiving my best effort. It is pretty bad actually and I feel very strongly that God wants me to do better. Every week brings its new challenges and I have to take it day by day. I need to take seriously the responsibilities He has given me because serving Him isn't about a location as much as it is our heart while serving. I need to constantly remind myself of that. I know that He has me here for a reason and until He moves me I need to be faithful in my love for Him.
"Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind
and with all your strength."
Mark 12:30

Sunday, March 1, 2009

still waiting...

Well, not much has happened to change my direction... just waiting...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wonderful weekend!

This past weekend I went down to PA to visit Megan. I got there on Friday and was welcomed with an episode of Psych. It was nice to see my boys again :) and Megan, of course. ;)
On Saturday, we went shopping at Crate and Barrel to use up a gift card that was given to Megan as a graduation gift. It was nice to spend someone else's money and get things you would not normally lavish on yourself. Then we saw the movie Valkyrie, which is 4 stars in my opinion. I really liked it because it was clean. Hardly any offensive language and nothing crude or sexual. Just clean entertainment, good acting and it was based on a true story so that always makes it better for me. Before the movie, we found a Christian bookstore so we spent some time there before the movie started. That was nice. After the movie, I was pretty hungry so we walked around trying to find something for me to eat. I ended up bringing back a slice of pizza to the apartment.
On Sunday, we went to one of Megan's possible church homes and it was really great. Joshua Harris ended up being the guest speaker. What a pleasant surprise! I really enjoyed the service. He spoke on not being anxious concerning the current economic crises and that we should seek ways to help others amidst it all. He also noted that God has been and will remain faithful in providing all of our needs and from God's perspective our needs are clothes, food and water. How much He has blessed us all!! Praise Him! After church, we went back to the apartment and laid low. We went into Philly around 4pm to get my first "Philly cheesesteak" and then worship with Chris Tomlin at the Electric Factory. Awesome!!! I cannot put into words how much this concert meant to me. The worship brought me to tears and I was extremely moved for the lost in the world. May God lead me in His perfect timing that I might share the Good News of Christ with those who have never heard! That is the cry of my heart.
So, overall it was a wonderful weekend. Thank you Megan!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sometimes its the little things

I was on my way to church this morning and I was so happy! There I was in my new truck listening to my new cd (Nichole Nordeman) and on my way to my church which I love so much. I was going to see so many people there that I care so much about and that mutually care for me. It has been 3 weeks since I have been there and I missed the fellowship and freedom to worship. Did I mention that I got to wear pants? What a relief to worship in spirit and in truth! I love NMBC!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beautiful Wedding!!!

What a beautiful night!!! I can't put into words how much being at Kurt and Romana's wedding meant to me. I would not have been able to make it but my uncle, on my dad's side, gave me some airline miles that he couldn't use, so the ticket to CO was free. Because the wedding was on a weekday, not many people on our side could come. I ended up being the only one from my mom's side of the family to be there, outside of the immediate family, of course. I even got to sit at the head table which was a thrill for me and a first. The whole evening was so much fun and I didn't want it to end. Kurt has always meant so much to me and I am so happy for him. He found someone that seems so sweet and like such a good match for him.
The evening started with the ceremony at 2pm. The wedding ended around 3pm and we spent the next couple of hours or so at the house that Romana's family had rented for the week. That was definitely a highlight. It was fun to get to know everyone and taste some delicious Czech foods. Around 5:30 we left to go to the restaurant where Kurt works to have the reception dinner where a dance would follow. It was 11pm when we finally got home. What a beautiful night!
The next day we couldn't spend much time together but we were able to meet them for dinner (which I was really happy about) before I headed up to Denver that night. I flew out the next day to come home. I did not get to skiing with everyone while I was there because I was sick most of the time but I hope to meet up with them again sometime in the future. My time with them was truly a joy!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Recovering on Vacation

Yeah...I got sick while I am on vacation. It started when my brother in law shot me in the eye with a NERF foam dart gun (thanks Ben! :) ) So my eye was sore for a couple of days and I suddenly got a cold after that. Not sure if they were related or just coincidence. On my way into Denver I was just battling the head cold and then when I got up into the mountain I think I was suffering from dehydration and altitude sickness. I am feeling much better now but not enough to go skiing yet. I am hoping I can go on Thursday at least, since I leave on Friday.
My aunt has two young adults living with them. One of them is Misha, who is from the Czech Republic and the other is John who is helping my aunt and uncle with their bail-bonding business. It has been interesting watching the events transpire in this house. So much action. I swear my aunt acts like she's 40 and let's just say..she's not. It was good to talk to Misha for a little while this morning. She works the overnight shift so I don't see her very often. That's about it for now. I'll write more later.