Saturday, September 1, 2007

2 months later..

So, some things have changed.
I am in the process of moving I guess you could say. The transition will be slow though. My friend, James, who was a huge part of why I came to New Jersey in the first place, moved to Florida and the part of his house that his grandfather was using as an apartment has been vacant now for a few months. He had offered the apartment to me for a very reasonable price so after about 4 months of contemplating, I finally took him up on the offer. I will only be living 7 minutes away from where I am presently, with the Smith's, and 2 minutes away from my church which is wonderful. I am looking forward to being on my own but I will miss living with the Smith family. They have been so good to me and for me and I hope my relationship with them doesn't change.
The family living in the main part of James' house are actually his best friends and are a very nice couple, Oliver and Irene, who have 2 young children. Irene is from Africa and frequently sings around the house which reminds me often of the time that I spent in Africa. It is a much welcomed memory for sure.
I have spent some time this past week painting and cleaning the carpets in the apartment. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before I can move in. I am busy with work-related business this coming week so I won't have a whole lot of time to spend in the apartment but hopefully the week after will be more promising.
As some of you may or may not know I am still at McDonald's and am not super happy there. I have just been promised my Sunday's off which is very nice but have since realized that there is no way for me to be content there. I really want to be involved in more ministries at church and the fast-food workplace doesn't give much room for a 9-5, M-F schedule. I have been looking for another job but nothing has come of it yet.
As far as my flight lessons go, they are pretty non-existent. I ordered the ground school material and just haven't taken the time to do much with it. I am hoping once I get settled into my new apartment that things will quiet down and I will have more time to study.
I guess that's it for now. Sorry it took so long for me to write. I hope you all are seeing the way that God is working in your lives. He has been speaking to me these very words lately, "to obey is better than sacrifice." Sometimes it is easy for me to get involved with my church and overlook the areas in my life that he wants me to change. By the next time I write I hope to look back at this and say that, indeed, he was working and through Him I have changed to be more like Him.
Have a great week everyone!!!


Unknown said...

wow, you actually updated!! says the lazy bum who doesn't write. but one is coming up soon. i promise. u still haven't gotten a cell phone so i am still not talking to you.

Liz said...

writing is a form of communication you know. :) hehehe