Saturday, July 6, 2013

My heart is aching :(

Sin is so deceitful-- so enticing.  It offers the world and gives heartache instead.  It reminds me of the Garden of Eden.  Satan still uses the same tactics and somehow, generation after generation, we still fall for his schemes.  I suppose it is worse going through the consequences of sinful choices but watching those you care about suffer is not easy either.  Tonight, my heart aches for a few friends, who have been led astray.  And, even tonight, as I presume they lay on their beds contemplating life, I pray that they choose Jesus and His path of abundant and eternal life.

God is doing something beautiful in their lives. I am confident of that.  So I rest in His goodness. I pray. I wait.

Lord, have mercy.  You are God and You ALONE are GOOD! :) Thank you Jesus!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

I don't know what it is about worship music but it can so easily bring me to my knees with tears in my eyes in full surrender.  Lord Jesus, I love you!
"I Surrender"
by Hillsong

Here I am
Down on my knees again
Surrendering all
Surrendering all

Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Desperate for You

I surrender

Drench my soul
As mercy and grace unfold
I hunger and thirst
I hunger and thirst

With arms stretched wide
I know You hear my cry
Speak to me now
Speak to me now

I surrender
I surrender
I wanna know You more
I wanna know You more

Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
 Desperate for Youz

I surrender

Drench my soul
As mercy and grace unfold
I hunger and thirst
I hunger and thirst

With arms stretched wide
I know You hear my cry
Speak to me now
Speak to me now

I surrender
I surrender
I wanna know You more
I wanna know You more