Monday, August 24, 2009

So often forgotten

Last night, as I was pulling up to the driveway in my truck, I heard the lyrics of this song and continued to listen to it two more times as I pondered the reality of these words in my own life. Is my passion in life to know Christ? The line often gets blurred and I think for another moment it was a reality check. I get so excited thinking about the possibility of someday flying overseas helping others in need and telling them of the Good News of Jesus' love for them. I dream of telling them this Good News and God using my life to stir villages and scores of people to turn to Him. But do I dream of knowing Christ more? I mean if you ask me, "Do you want to know Christ more?" of course I would say "Yes," Who wouldn't? But is He my all-consuming passion, my obsession, as Steven Curtis Chapman says it?
Last night, in particular, I was struggling once again with the decision to join the Air National Guard. I really want to join but I struggle with not having my parents' blessing on the decision and the fact that it is a six-year commitment.
So, as I continued to dwell on this and search God for answers, it became obvious that He doesn't want me to worry about it. What He does want is for me to spend time with Him, draw closer to Him and let Him consume me. He should be my passion, the One I dream of. Oh, to know Him better! May that be the longing of my heart!

Above All Else
by Vicky Beeching

Jesus, my passion in life is to know You
May all other goals bow down to
This journey of loving You more
Jesus, You've showered Your goodness on me
Given Your gifts so freely
But there's one thing I'm longing for
Hear my heart's cry
And my prayer for this life

Above all else
Above all else
Above all else
Give me Yourself

Savior, the more that I see Your beauty
The more that I glimpse Your glory
My heart is captured by You
Jesus, You are my greatest treasure
Nothing this world can offer
Could ever compare to You
So, hear my heart's cry
And my prayer for this life

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enjoying my night off!

So, I gave my two-week notice to my employer on Monday. I was so happy as I walked out those front doors to go home that day. It was a real sense of relief. I can't explain how much I dislike this job. I am sure God has something else planned for me. For now, I just need to work out the rest of these days while I look for something else. Tonight, I am enjoying the evening off and looking at all my options for employment, flight education and location yet again. I am confident that God will direct my paths in His time. Trusting Him.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm not sure where the time goes...

It's here and then its gone. My vacation, that it. My two and a half weeks in Wisconsin were filled with memories that will last a lifetime. The first memory being the arrival of Emma Jane! She is adorable and a real gift from God. I am very thankful that she and my sister are healthy and will be going home from the hospital--with Ben--tomorrow. Ben's military leave was extended so we are all thankful to God that he could be a part of this special time.

In addition to Emma's arrival, my favorite moments were the times spent by the fire with my family, eating way too much ice cream and roasted marshmallows. Bowling was also fun as well as the horseback riding. Mostly, it was fun just being together. Overall, the trip was one of a lifetime and I enjoyed my time with my family very much. I pray that God brings us back together soon. I love them all!

My vacation to the Midwest was great but I will be honest, I am so confused right now. Where I am supposed to be and what to do. I recently got a new job cleaning airplanes. I really don't like the job but I feel like I should stay there for now until I get some of my debt paid off. I just don't know what to make of all of it. I am looking for another job now but I am not sure where to even search. I know what I want badly is to be flying on the mission field but the only way to get there is by having a decent job. I just am really tired of cleaning and that is exactly what this job is. I guess I would like something more managerial or administrative but I don't have a degree in those areas. This job is also pretty lonely and that doesn't help matters. I had such a good time with Ben and Jen and I began to wonder, with the birth of Emma, if I should try to find a job closer to Copperas Cove, TX where they will be living. I don't have anything tying me down outside of my job and obviously that knot isn't very tight. Wherever I am, I know two things, I need to have a job that pays well and that I also enjoy. Solomon in all his wisdom states in Ecclesiastes several times how important it is to enjoy your work. These verses have stuck out in my mind a lot in the past couple of years.

So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why we are here! No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die. (Eccl 3:22, NIV)

To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life – that is indeed a gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy.” (Eccl 5: 18, NIV)

I don't know what God has in store for me but I believe that it is possible to get a job that I enjoy and that can also get me where He wants me to be. I am trusting that God will ease my mind and show me exactly where it is that He wants me.