Friday, December 14, 2007

And they say God doesn't speak- hah...

I love it when you are reading the Bible and verses that you have read time and time again just jump out at you with a new freshness- as if they were never there before and you are seeing them for the very first time.
Lately, God has been touching my heart about evangelism and my need to renew the passion I once had for reaching the lost for Christ. It is just that, a renewal. I think the passion has always been there but I just have not been as active in reaching out to those without Christ and finding or taking opportunities to share the good news of Christ with them. It was not until just a few weeks ago when our church encouraged us to take a spiritual gifts inventory that I was challenged. I found myself telling someone that I am not sure my evangelism gift would be as evident as it might have been had I taken the test while in Bible college. I had just gotten away from sharing the gospel so freely and because of that, I lost my zeal, I guess you could say. The verse I found sums it up clearly. So, with no further ado... here it is,

Philemon 1:6
I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith,
that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

It really hit me! Part of the reason that we should share our faith is so that we are constantly stirred in our hearts about all that God has done for us. This, in turn, will help us to keep telling others. Our gratefulness will compel us to keep sharing so that others may experience the same joy we have in Christ.
Okay, so sometimes, it is hard for me to express the way that God touches my heart about something because it seems to be a culmination of ways he is working my life. I have found that He often uses His Word to secure something that His Holy Spirit has already been tugging at my heart about. All in all, I was encouraged by God speaking so clearly to me and I wanted to tell you. I also wanted to share this verse with anyone that has a desire to see people come to know Christ in a personal way but, like me, had lost that enthusiasm.
I hope everyone is enjoying their day and I hope to write again within the next couple of days to fill you in on the updates of life. Kentucky-out (for now), New Jersey-in....that's the short of it.
See you later,