Monday, November 12, 2007


This is crazy but I think God just answered a huge prayer request for my life. I was disappointed coming home from church last night. The housing situation was just getting to me and again I was questioning what God's plan was in all of this. I could only hold on to the fact that God truly does know what is going on. I went online last night with a great passion to learn how to fly and trying to find some way to make that happen amidst my lack of housing, debt that I need to pay off and only a part-time job. What I found out is that the organizations that I intended to go with required training of 2-3 years and around $30,000. I was definitely at a loss in my mind. I didn't know what to make of it all. Why would God place this great desire on my heart without a way to act on it? I had browsed the internet before and came up near empty so there was not much hope going into the search. As I looked and seemingly each click of the mouse, losing hope, I remembered the advice of a teacher at college. She was talking in relation to marriage and told us that we would know we were marrying the right person if we knew that we couldn't imagine life WITHOUT that person. I instantly asked myself if I could imagine doing missionary work WITHOUT using aviation and it became more clear to me than ever that I couldn't. God has placed this burning passion on my heart to use this tool, aviation, to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Moments later, as I continued my search I found a group called Missionaire International that, at this point, seems to be the answer. I will not go into the details since I wouldn't know where to begin but it seems that God may have provided a way for me to receive all the training I need and be on the field in somewhere between 3-5 years. The website address is Yes, it would require God moving me to Kentucky but if that is His will for me I am excited to do it. I would plead with anyone who reads this update to please be in prayer as I seek God's will and guidance in my life. All praise and glory be to HIM alone.
Thank you for taking the time to read my entry.
Love to you all,

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

So, it's been a while...

Since the last time I wrote I have stopped working at McDonald's and am currently employed part-time with the YMCA in Freehold as a teachers assistant. Basically, I get paid to play with kids. I like the job, especially the kids, but it isn't as organized as I think it could be. The supervisor says it seems that way because there is more time to fill as the kids only have half-days of school this week due to a teachers convention. I guess I will wait to see what next week looks like.

I still don't have another part-time job. I know there may be an opportunity in December to babysit a couple of children in the morning hours which would be fine. I am still in the process of finding a place to live as the apartment I was previously in didn't work out. I feel like my life is very unsettled right now and I am waiting on the Lord and His timing in it all. Right now, I have come back to my Jersey family, the Smith's, and am residing on the couch so I need to establish some housing as soon as possible.

In other news, I met a missionary couple to Papua New Guinea/Indonesia this past Sunday that our church supports and their ministry literally brought me to tears. It is great to meet people that have a passion to see people come to know Christ in a personal way. It is obvious that they have the joy of the Lord in their life. I was most impressed by their vision and the various means they have organized to reach out to the community there. I would love to visit their ministry sometime. Did I mention they use MAF aircraft to facilitate their ministry????

I think that is about it for now. I hope to write again soon with updates at least on housing if not more. Until then, remain blessed in Him.